University of Vaasa Open University provides versatile study forms that to some degree enable studying regardless of time and place. Teaching is arranged in Vaasa and online as well as in partner organisations in different parts of Ostrobothnia province and in other parts of Finland. This summer, Tritonia Yliopistonranta will be open in June mobiili casino slot, July and August (closed Fri-Sat). Vaasa UAS offers 2 different degree programmes conducted in English: Degree students at the University of Oulu may complete language and minor subject studies included in their degrees at the Open University. These courses are free for the student provided that the his/her faculty has recognised and approved the courses provided by the Open University as part of the degree programme and has committed to paying for the courses on the student's behalf. Students with permission to take free Open University courses must provide information on the Faculty’s commitment to payment and which degree programme (or major subject in the Faculty of Humanities) they are studying at as well as the name of the person who made the commitment to payment. This information should appear in the Open University registration form. If the faculty has not agreed to pay for the courses, the students themselves must pay. Viimeksi päivitetty: 22.5.2016 Professor Ari Tenhula, lecturer Soile Lahdenperä, lecturer Sanna Myllylahti, lecturer Mammu Rankanen Simo Kellokumpu: Contextual Choreography The residential MA programme in Choreography is open to international students and is tuition free for EU / EEA students. The intake to the MA in Choreography is biannual. The application period is in January 2019. The Master’s Degree Programme in Choreography advances students’ preparedness for doctoral studies, and it collaborates with the Theatre Academy’s Performing Arts Research Centre (Tutke). The programme is an important actor in publishing international dance research for Theatre Academy's Kinesis series. Staff of degree programmes in dance in the Theatre Academy: Below you find current dorctoral students, their research perojects as well as dissertations in Theatre Academy in the field of choreography. Contextual Choreography is an artistic research project which focuses on the relations mobiili casino jack, interconnectedness and reciprocity of choreography and context. The focus is on the question: How a chosen cultural context operates as a choreographic ‘apparatus’? 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The aim is that graduates will be able to start up and manage processes related to international business and marketing, they know how to apply the principles of project management and develop a company’s strategic planning and implementation, and they are familiar with the special characteristics of trade and business with Russia. Delivery address Degree and employment certificates Applicants will be assessed on the content of the answers and the quality of the oral and written skills in the English language. There is no required pre-reading material for the examination. The invitation letter sent to eligible applicants includes more exam information. In order to prove their eligibility to apply, anyone applying with a non-Finnish degree must submit a copy of the certificate used as the basis for application and its Finnish, Swedish or English translation supplied by an official (authorised) translator to the admissions office of the Saimaa university of applied sciences. Copies of certificates must arrive at the admissions office no later than 3 p.m. on 5 April 2017. Delivery address Part of the studies can be done in exchange in one of our partner institutions. The Saimaa University of Applied Sciences has partner institutions and universities around the world, e.g. in Germany, France, Russia, China, Malaysia and USA, among other places. Consumer Classroom on verkkosivusto, joka tarjoaa opettajille kuluttajakasvatuksen materiaaleja Euroopan eri maista. Lisäksi sivustolla on interaktiivisia työkaluja oppituntien suunnitteluun ja niiden jakamiseen oppilaille ja toisille opettajille.
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